
DOLLE has established a whistleblower scheme that follows EU Directive 2019/1937.

DOLLE's whistleblower scheme is handled via the external partner WhistleSystem, which ensures a complete anonymous and secure notification process for the whistleblower.

The whistleblower scheme must be used if employees or other stakeholders experience serious misconduct or offences that occur in, or in connection with DOLLE.

DOLLE encourages that in case of experience of wrongdoing or offenses, contact your immediate manager, union representative or contact person by DOLLE to inform about the incident. However, this is not always the most optimal approach, and can cause reports to be lost. Therefore, DOLLE has established a whistleblower scheme, where you are allowed to report the offence and remain anonymous.

Reports can be made by anyone who has access to the scheme. At DOLLE, this includes employees and stakeholders who have become aware of a misconduct.

The whistleblower's report may concern persons, situations, and incidents and the persons who can be reported on are in principle all with a relation or interest to DOLLE.

The report must have significant relevance according to the following criteria: The whistleblower scheme can only be used if the report deals with serious offences or violations. This means that things such as cooperation difficulties, dissatisfaction with facilities, or dissatisfaction with conditions cannot be reported through the whistleblower scheme. In such cases, refer to the immediate manager or relevant contact at DOLLE A/S.

Examples of areas that can be reported through the whistleblower scheme include, but are not limited to, the following points:


  • Sexism
  • Sexual harassment
  • Physical violence
  • Discrimination
  • Financial crime
  • Occupational safety
  • Consumer protection
  • Product safety
  • Breach of procurement law
  • Breach of personal data legislation
  • Breach of environmental legislation
  • Money laundering


To register a report in Dolle Whistleblower System use the link “Start Report” and follow the instructions:

