Wall-mounted handrail
Improve safety with a wall-mounted handrail they are designed to add safety and keep a clean and stylish look to your home! Our handrails are supplied in kit form - Ideal for stairways both indoors and outdoors.
{ if ($refs.description) descriptionHeight = $refs.description.offsetHeight; })" x-init="$nextTick(() => { setTimeout(() => { initialHeight = $el.offsetHeight; if ($el.offsetHeight > 350) { $el.style.height = initialHeight + 'px'; } }, 1000); })" class="item product product-item product_addtocart_form card-card-interactive flex flex-col justify-between w-full relative h-full p-0">Colour Black, White, TitaniumHandrail length 2 or 3 meterHandrail material Aluminium